Hire pre-vetted talent recommended by leading companies

Tofu is where Founders, Hiring Managers and People Leaders from leading companies share pre-vetted, top talent, every day.

  • Bubble
  • Garner
  • Recorded Future
  • Haus
  • ClassDojo
  • Luxury Presence
  • Restaurant 365
  • Veza

Onboard and recommend

Recommend candidates you loved to enhance your candidate experience and convert your idle candidate leads into hiring credits.


Receive matches or source on your own

Tofu sends you shortlists of pre-vetted candidates that match your roles every day or source from the network on your own.

Seal The Deal

Engage and hire

Schedule interviews in under 24 hours and hire the perfect fit.

Three ways we make sourcing pre-vetted talent
ridiculously easy

There’s more, but we’ll show you later.

Keep Talent

Thoroughly vetted

All candidates have been through rigorous conversations and technical assessments, and are vouched for by those who’ve screened them.

Keep Talent

The highest response rates

Tofu is a live and active marketplace with an 81% candidate response rate, so your interview requests don’t get ignored.

Recruit from similar pipelines

Meet candidates who’ve interviewed for identical roles to the one you’re hiring for and build top of funnel from relevant talent pipelines.

Join 260+ leading companies on the most robust talent sharing network.

“Tofu has been a great source of senior engineering talent for us here at ClassDojo. We value talent density and strong collaborators, and the people we've hired from Tofu have had great founders' mindsets and are highly startup oriented. It's been a great value add for the team!“

- Meagan Neider, Talent @ ClassDojo

Primary source

"As a company with no formal recruiting function, it’s hard to find the bandwidth to properly discover and source candidates. Tofu helped us fill up our hiring pipeline quickly and we ended up hiring two candidates!

Tofu is a no brainer to add to your recruiting stack as early stage company looking for pre-vetted candidates.”

- Alex Marcus, CEO @ Mento


"Making best-in-class hires with speed is one of the most challenging parts of scaling a start-up. Tofu has been integral in our success here.

We just sourced and hired our top choice candidate for Senior Product Manager through Tofu in a matter of weeks- a testament to their high standards and efficiency."

- Justin Abrams, Co-Founder + CEO


Meet candidates today.

Contact us to connect with pre-vetted candidates and convert idle leads into hiring credits.